Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Origination Product Guide
Authorized User Panel Configuration

The Authorized User panel provides administrators with the ability to define the fields that are used to collect general authorized user information, such as name, address and phone, for an application created through the virtual application process. When rendered in Virtual Capture, the Authorized User panel enables the applicant to easily enter information for up to two authorized users in just a few simple clicks.

Configuring the Authorized User Panel

The Authorized User panel can be configured to appear within an Application type screen in System Management > Origination > Virtual Capture > Screens.

To begin configuring the Authorized User panel:

Once saved, the screen including the Collateral - Vehicle panel must be assigned to a Virtual Capture Workflow Model. The workflow model must then be assigned to a loan application type within the General tab of the Virtual Capture Products page.

For information on assigning Virtual Capture Workflow Models, please see the Virtual Capture Products topic in this guide.

Authorized User Panel in Virtual Capture 

In Virtual Capture, the Authorized User panel(s) are collapsed by default. 

If multiple authorized users exist on an application in Temenos Infinity, the first authorized user appears within the Authorized User 1 panel, and the second authorized user appears within the Authorized User 2 panel. Additional authorized users (more than two) cannot be added to an application, and are not displayed within Virtual Capture.

Clicking  expands the panel and displays the Authorized User fields.

If  is clicked after information has been added into the authorized user fields, the information is deleted, and the authorized user is not created.



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